
Christian Rehab Centers

Christian rehab centers are specialized treatment facilities that incorporate Christian principles and values into their approach to addiction recovery. These centers believe that spirituality...

Drug Rehab Treatment

Drug rehab clinics, commonly referred to as addiction treatment centres, offer a secure and encouraging atmosphere for people who are battling with substance usage....

Alcohol Intervention Programme

An alcohol intervention programme is a planned and organised procedure that enlists the support of a person's family, friends, and interventionists in order to...

What to Eat Before and After a Workout

Before Workout:Banana and AlmondsOats or porridge with low-fat milkDry cereals and fruitsWholegrain toast with peanut butterWholemeal pastaCottage cheeseBoiled eggs and vegetablesBaked Sweet...

10 Basic Yoga Poses

The Mountain Pose (Tadasana)Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)Kursiasana (Chair Pose)Naukasana (Boat Pose)Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)PaschimottanasanaSukhasnaChild's Pose

Balance Training

Single Leg Stance VariationSingle Leg Squat TouchdownSingle Leg Hop with StabilisationSquat Curl & Alternative Knee LiftingBalancing Single Arm RowBalance Ball Push UpStiletto...

Kettlebell Exercises

DeadliftsKettlebell SwingKettlebell Goblet SquatKettlebell Walking LungeKettlebell Russian TwistKettlebell Push upKettlebell Shoulder Press (Alternate Shoulder Press)Kettlebell ThrustersKettlebell Clean & PressKettlebell SnatchKettlebell Pistol SquatKettlebell...

Kickboxing Exercises

Jab, Cross, Hook, UppercutJab, Cross, Squat, Jump & SwitchSpeed Bag and ShuffleBoxer’s Shuffle & SwitchBack Kick & Knee StrikeJab, Cross, Upper, DuckSwitch...

Gymnastic Rings Workout

Ring DipsRing Muscle-UpsLeg RaisesSquat JumpsRing Push-UpsRing RowsRing Pull-Ups

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